500 BC. Leir, chieftain of the Coritani, is delighted to have three daughters with whom to expand his clan and has new hillforts built from which they can command the whole of central Britannia. With Regan running a renowned warrior school, Goneril working with druidic scientists, and Cordelia breeding coveted hunting hounds, it is an exciting and prosperous time for all. Until, that is, Cordelia’s older sisters get ambitious…
Suddenly Leir’s new hillforts are housing enemies intent on seizing control and Cordelia has to flee for her life. How can she win back her father’s trust? How can she find the friends who have been imprisoned? And how can she muster the support to win back the Coritani once more?
Iron Queen is the tale of a woman fighting for her family’s rights and freedom in a time in which women were allowed and expected to rule.